Friday, January 15, 2010

Is tinting your eyebrows safe?

I just had my hair dyed blonde, but I'm thinking about getting my eyebrows tinted lighter because they are pretty dark. I would have to bleach them because I'm going lighter, but I'm wondering if this is safe and if it works well. The last thing I want is for my eyebrows to either fall out, never grow back or turn orange or something.

Can i do it myself or is that too risky?

How much does it cost to have them done at a salon?

What are the chances of the results being satisfying?Is tinting your eyebrows safe?
buy Jolen Creme Bleach at the drug store.

Mix as directed and apply to eyebrows 8 minute maximum checking it every minute. When it is slightly lighter than what you had, then wipe it off with damp washcloth then rinse thoroughly with water.

It works everytime and costs less than any salon tinting.

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